Monday, January 18, 2010

The Wondrous Borobudur Made From Toothpicks

The Wondrous Borobudur Made From Toothpicks

Inspiration: The Wondrous Borobudur Made From Toothpicks
When one thinks of toothpicks, dental cleaning comes to mind. But Stan Munro of Syracuse, New York, toothpicks mean famous buildings. In his second exhibition entitled "Toothpick City II" more than 40 famous religious buildings and tall towers from around the world standing by side on a 24’x28’ oval platform. As its name suggests, those buildings and towers are made by toothpicks and reinforced by glue.

In this regard, Stan Munro chose The Great Temple of Borobudur to represent Indonesia. To recreate this ancient temple, Stan took almost a month and a half and used up about 32.000 round square-centered toothpicks and 2 liters of glue.

The original Borobudur, the monumental Buddhist temple, was founded around 800 AD. This corresponds to the period of 760 - 830 AD, the peak of the Sailendra dynasty in Central Java. The construction was estimated to have taken 70 years and achieved completion during the reign of Samaratungga in 825 AD. The temple's overall height was 42 meters; staggering over 55.000 square meters of lava rocks. Borobudur was built without using any kind of cement or mortar at all. The structure is like a massive interlocking Lego blocks without any glue. Nevertheless, it has stood for over a millenium.

Borobudur is indeed a remarkable world heritage. Prepare yourself; never visit Indonesia without visiting Borobudur temple.

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